Over 2,239 objections were submitted from families, community groups, businesses about the devastating impact of hundreds of 30 ton, 15 ton and 10 ton trucks coming through the heart of our town. We want a safe town for our families and the next generation. We want clean air and clean water. This permit to operate a transfer station is under review at the Environment section of Galway Co. Council and I've been informed a decision is due on the 9th January 2020. This decision is taken by the Executive in Galway Co. Council and the Councillors have no role in this.
This campaign is the reason both myself and our team became involved in community action. We said no - this is an inappropriate location for a transfer station. Why wasn't an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)completed? A very convenient 23,500 tons noted by the operator where an EIA is needed at 25,000 tons of waste. Our campaign team successfully brought a case to the High Court in 2018 on the last permit for infill based on the Habitats Directive. We will be giving updates here over the next few weeks
We are fighting for a clean and safe future for people in our area for 2020 and years to come. Thanks so much for your support and volunteers are always welcome so do get in touch.
We wish you and your families a Happy Christmas from all of our team.