
As Senator for Roscommon-Galway:
- I am working to support the development of craft and cottage industries and support start-ups/ entrepreneurs especially in the spin-offs in eco-tourism. Families are looking at ways to supplement existing incomes and people wish to support local enterprise and community activities, for example accommodation, catering, farm to fork, market stalls and crafts.
- I am working to build access to broadband in our region to allow for people to work from home, particularly in a world post Covid-19. More companies are providing flexible working hours where possible to allow people to work from home. However, we need access in rural areas. Excellent online access means our entrepreneurs can access markets working from their own homes and this is something I am passionate about.
- I work to develop third level CPD accredited courses in Galway/Roscommon linked to Institute of Technology in areas identified as skills gaps to attract next generation industry to towns such as Ballinasloe and Castlerea, particularly biomedical/ electrical engineering, software and digital skills.
- I work to develop dynamic co-working hotspots in our towns to drive innovation and creativity in our entrepreneurs and build a support network. I am working to develop the Grow Remote Programme.
- In order to attract companies in the medtech and healthcare areas, we need to develop our skillsets and in particular areas identified as skills gaps. I work with educational partners to provide access to third level accredited engineering and technical courses