Senator Aisling Dolan - Strong Voice, New Vision.

Over €90,000 for Galway in Biodiversity Funding | Dolan

May 29, 2021

Over €90,000 for Galway in Biodiversity Funding | Dolan

Senator Aisling Dolan welcomed €90,682 in funding for Galway under the National Biodiversity Local Authority Biodiversity Grant Scheme.

I’m delighted to see €90,000 in funding for Galway City and County Councils for 10 projects. The government has doubled the Biodiversity Grant Scheme this year and it will really have an impact at a local level in promoting biodiversity in our towns and villages.

It’s about building our awareness of the small and larger things that we can do to protect nature & wildlife. Funding for the Biodiversity and Pollinator Awareness and Knowledge Programme 2021 will mean training is available for communities and schools across County Galway. We already see how our students are leading the way in climate action and driving a change in behavior's. Pollinator Plans will show us ways to increase our bee friendly flowers and plants.

We have also received funding for research on our unique wetlands in North-East Galway, to assess the extent and condition of these habitats in for the purposes of informing future research and potential amenity development. We are biodiversity-rich in our local boglands and unique landscape in the West and there is such potential for eco-tourism in these areas especially with the possibility of the Galway-Athlone Cycleway through this region.

Funding is also included for wildlife surveys of the Barn Owl and the Yellowhammer in our region.