Senator Aisling Dolan - Strong Voice, New Vision.

Funding to support nearly 500 Women’s Groups across the country!

June 05, 2024

Funding to support nearly 500 Women’s Groups across the country!

Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, has just announced funding to support nearly 500 Women’s Groups across the country! 
This initiative is all about empowering our communities. Small grants are being provided to groups in every county to enhance their facilities and purchase much-needed equipment. 
From Women’s and Hen’s Sheds to Camogie and GAA Clubs, ICA Groups, Toddler Groups, Girl Guides, and more - we’re thrilled to see such a diverse range of groups benefit from this funding. 
Local Womens Groups/Clubs awarded funds:
- Ballinasloe Town AFC €1,896
- Glinsk Ladies Club €1000
- Ballaghaderreen Women's Shed €620
- Boyle Womens Group €1,750
- Four Roads Ladies Football Club €3750
- Kilbegnet Hall Ladies Club €2350
- Kilgefin Womens Group Shed €5586
- Roscommon Girl Guides €1200
- Roscommon LGFC LGFA €1950
- St Michael's Gaelic for Mothers & Others Boyle €650
- Tulsk ICA €3,750.00
Here’s to stronger, more vibrant communities & groups! 🥳