€16 Million Outdoor Recreation and Infrastructure Scheme 2023 Opens
June 06, 2023
Outdoor Recreation and Infrastructure Scheme 2023 will a provides a €16 million boost to
rural and adventure tourism across the region.
ORIS fund is designed to benefit the health and wellbeing of the communities in which they are located. The funding will provide not only an outlet for the
#communities in which they are situated but will also deliver added value from a tourism perspective.
The scheme has opened for 2023.
ORIS 2023 provides funding as follows:
Measure 1 –
o Small scale repair/development/promotion and marketing.
o Funding of up to €30,000 at a 90% rate of aid.
Measure 2 –
o Medium scale repair/upgrade and new trail/amenity development.
o Funding of up to €200,000 at a 90% rate of aid.
Measure 3 –
o Large scale repair/upgrade and new strategic trail/amenity development
o Funding of up to €500,000 at a 90% rate of aid
Project Development Measure –
o Detailed development of projects which would enable them to reach a standard for application under Measure 2 or Measure 3 of ORIS.
o Funding of up to €50,000 at a 90% rate of aid.